easy Pieces of a tidy story
Joseph Siry after George Lakoff
Seven essential parts to an effective narrative.
Preconditions what we need to know.
The buildup events leading up to the point.
The main event what the narrative is about.
The purpose what is achieved or its meaning.
The wind-down events that end the process.
The result the final context of the events (embedding).
The later consequences an eventual aftermath.
George Lakoff
"Temporal structure of the narrative"
The Political Mind, 2009.
All references:
R. Murrow, Harvest of Shame
Rose, Social
Stratification in the US
Postman, Amusing
Ourselves to Death
Sontag, Regarding
the Pain of Others
Greider, Come
Home, America
Lakoff, The Political Mind
Bowers, political ideology of just relations
Bullard, environmental justice, ethnicity and race
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